World Sustainable Energy Days 2019

Conferenza internazionale


27.02.2019 10:00  –  01.03.2019 15:00

Energy efficiency and renewable energy are at the core of Europe’s commitment to a clean energy transition that serves the needs of citizens, economic development and the environment.

Achieving a smart, socially fair and sustainable energy system requires strong policies, competitive businesses and technology innovation. Mastering the digital transformation of energy and buildings will be crucial for creating a thriving economy and for the success of the global clean energy transition.

The World Sustainable Energy Days connect people and empower them to embrace the necessary change - according to the motto: Clean. Competitive. Connected.

The annual conference features policies, technologies, innovation and market development through a unique combination of conferences and interactive events. It brings together more than650 delegates from over 50 countries from business, the research community and the public sector.